A fitness event is launching in Swindon this weekend, consisting of events and competitions aimed at boosting health and wellness.

The Longevity Games was founded by Tim Howe as an accessible form of group exercise, where participants are encouraged to perform and progress at their own pace.

Tim has worked on fitness projects for the last four years and designed the event with the help of healthcare experts.

He said: “Each of the exercises, like burpees and lunges, are designed to promote someone’s ability to function as a human being. We encourage people to do functional activities they should be doing on a day-to-day basis that will help their mobility as they get older.

“There are three levels so it doesn’t scare people when they look at novice level, then they can progress. There’s nothing out there to help people with longevity, or get stronger or fitter, aside from expensive clinics for the wealthy. We need to work together to help support people to have a better life and grow a hub in Swindon.”

The test event will take place on Sunday, May 12 from 1pm at Swindon's athletics track and, if successful, more events will be scheduled for September.